A glimpse into the world and daily life of an Autistic family...
What is living with autism?
" Like this beautiful Man of War, who swiftly moves through a vast ocean of perils, he too reaches maturity, beauty, and steadfastness in his existence..."
... It's Living with the sweetest soul, who loves you without reason... Without questions... Loves you for you... It's unanswered questions from the most beautiful green eyes...
Is waking up at 1.. 2...3...4...5.. in the morning... Doing your morning exercises by running after your loved one who is jumping back and forth as he paces desperately flapping his hands, head and chest back and forth thrusting with force forward as you do your best to calm him, because his heart beats so fast it practically escapes his body...
Is finally calming him down, and an airplane wakes him up again, now this time he fixates on moving furniture, frames, all items around the house... You then realize, he remembers that years ago they were placed there... In my case it's 3 am time to get up for some very special work...
Then it may be 6 am, and you are a bit (!!!) tired, you fall asleep... Ah but you, by then, already have to get him up to get ready for school... You give him a bath dress him, and when you leave your shower, he needs another bath... Ah finally, you are out the door... The you see him running from your hand towards the trashcan on the street where he, while struggling with you, takes the trash bags out... Finally you take him back home again... Wash him, change clothes and off to school you go....
Ah now, you get to your "main" job.... Where did the day go? It's 5 pm and... You pick him up in the early evening and he lovingly gives you a bear hug and kiss and makes sure you have your seatbelt on and your armrest down...
On the way home does he not only moves ay least 300 to 400 times back and forth, but also undoes his seatbelt and goes to the back of your van to get something he remembered. You stop in rush hour traffic while those around you don't realize why the car moves up and down either moving or while stopped... You finally get him to his seat, and he lovingly reminds you to put on your seatbelt with the most loving smile, not realizing the traffic jam, cursing, blowing horns, and non understanding fellow drivers...
Ah, now you get home, and in my case, you go to your second passion "Gofspeed," in my case, my other great love and do some wonderful things... Get home by 10 or 11 pm and he is waiting jumping for you, he hugs you, you flop on bed and give him your hand where from his bed he longs for his mom's touch and kiss good night...
It's past midnight, you either write some great things with a cup of hot tea, and by one go to sleep until three am, unless he wakes up before... And you start again... Sometimes, this might last a week or more... Ah, and the infinite trying to take one more shower, emptying the refrigerator either by eating or throwing food away, you just brought from Publix...
It's a twenty four hour vigil so he does not escape or tries to do some creative endeavor...
It's dealing with a super bright individual, who longs to help, be part of all, who loves without barriers, who is sweet, kind, intelligent, extremely "ordenado", who can do great deeds of love, yet is limited by a string of constants which makes an 18 year old act and behave like a terrible two's year old, without realizing the potential dangers of a situation, but that does it with the best of his intention....
It is being so grateful to the Divine for him, your mother, his brothers, aunts for their neverending support, help, dedication and love... For those at work at the hospital who look away when one is five minutes late, the boss who is also an angel, a sister, a friend... the pharmacy staff, whom are my everlasting support and help with his (and grandma's) very expensive medicine, the angels at his school, my friends, clients, and those who interchange our daily living with hope and great wonders...
It is sending compassion and forgiveness to those who left you to do this on your own, not realizing the great growth and love lost that they could have had in the missed journey, not realizing the gigantous ordeal that is to sustain a family of 6 on ones own specially with special ones like we have, or to those who simply cannot understand that this condition is real... to those who see me laugh, bring out the best in the worst of situations, have great faith, be able to teach on all the motivational and inspirational issues in the world, and cannot imagine that I go through daily with this and many other challenging situations and still smile from side to side...
And you ask how I do it? I use and do all that I teach on myself, family, him, and all I do... Easy, no, with great love, you bet, with deliverate intention, faith, and great will power and determination to succeed over it? Without a doubt! That I am sure, Omar will speak and will wake up soon from the Autistic Cloud, Oh YES!
Last week and this weekend, even up to now, it was one of these long and exhausting times, which started to finally take a toll on me... Am I exhausted, Yes! Did I pass out last night, oh yes! How did I wake up this morning at 3 am, with great faith and my things... Determination and great love for my gamily... Did I prove to my self that we no matter the circumstance you can find something good, and find great Joy in it, Oh Yes! Do I adore Omar, my mom, his brothers, my aunts, without a doubt!
Orden Divino y Gracias Padre, por el Bien Manifestado!
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