Ode to my son Omar, who is 18 years old today. He is a very special angel sent to us that shows us in his very special ways what it is to enjoy the smallest of triumphs that for us are huge milestones. He takes a lot of love and 24/7 loving care. He is our big baby, who is very smart, but still does not recognize danger or many other mundane issues that we take so often for granted. He gives us so many daily gifts of joy… from his smile that erupts from his very light green eyes with a twinkle and big mustachy grin to his bear hugs, and small triumphs at communicating with us through gestures and pointing. I am deeply honored to be his mother and without hesitation I state that I am so grateful that he chose me as his mom.
I wrote this as part of a Thanksgiving input and I take his portion out today in his honor:
Oh my dear Lord, today I woke up and looked at my child’s face deep asleep, as he dreamed images of innocence… I saw
I was able to speak to him words that expressed my deepest love towards him as a mother, yet he could not reply back... I spoke (and will speak for him as needed, since he is blessed with autism)
My grateful heart leaped with joy as in his sleep he reached out to my hand, pulled it and took it close to his heart…
I felt As I walked out to the car, early, very early before dawn, a bird greeted me with his loving song…
I heard Later, the wonderful sun greeted me through the majestic backyard tree as the gentle breeze of a lazy Autumn Monday gave me a nudge to start the daily chores and go to work… I have health to work, and I have a job to perform, a service to offer But most importantly, on his way to school, a Very Special Someone (HIM) gave me a true hug, and I felt their immense gratitude of sharing words of unspoken wisdom of a life lived with dignity and love… so I share this with you my friends today Omar has taught me how to enjoy the simple, yet most spectacular things in life.
I add this other part or the previous entry because I feel it dictates how I feel a year and half later:
I felt an overwhelming feeling of reminisce as with friends today, we shared how, now, much older and maybe not as skinny, wealthy, not wearing the high heels, hair and the clothes we once we were able to wear…We are so much happier, are stronger, much more resilient, can appreciate life better, understand others more, have a strong belief in ourselves, are able to love without loosing our identity, be ourselves without shame, without boundaries, with great respect to life and what it has to offer… To see the best in others (and ourselves) regardless of our or their faults, forgive without wondering, have faith and hope without limits, enjoy a butterfly, a child, the moon, and the sky, those we love, those who do not love us back, yet we send them our best regardless… We thank those who make our lives a yogurt, because it is because of them that we are stronger and wiser… We thank those who have left us on our own, because it is for them that we are strong wise women now… We don’t dwell on past mistakes, because, we now know better…
We have great hopes for tomorrow, loved our past with all its lessons, and most of all enjoy our today since it is our eternal companion! Namaste!
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