Godspeed Pathways to Success!

Godspeed Pathways to Success!
This very sacred, yet highly dynamic & professional space shifts your energy, validates your core essence and helps you realize your deepest dreams & convictions are possible!Intense Work With Angels, Aura/Chakra Reading, Mystic Parties, Exploring the World of Metaphysics & the Mind, Women Connected Groups, Drumming/Tuning Bowls and Chanting Empowernment ... Inspiration, motivation and shift in contextual values to fuel your subsconscious into action. It does not judge, it creates... I can give you the tools & momentum to thrive through your journey & celebrate each step of your way there. Use these teachings to inspire you to TRIUMPH! Go for it & Carpe Diem! Namaste!

Monday, March 6, 2017


By popular request and for the first time ever, I am sharing with you a very important tool for me.

My Divine Timings, everyone that knows me, is my client, friend, family, etc knows that I truly follow this calendar, I encourage you to do so too!

It shows the void of course moons in red, which are days to avoid important deals, issues, negotiations, forecasts and anything important.
You will see the start and ending hours.

In green, you will see the prevailing aspect for the day. Also, the new/full moons, change in time and Spring Equinox dates.

Tomorrow I will announce how you too can learn how to best utilize the Divine Timings and so much more.

Send me your email if interested to revbarbarasoliman@gmail.com


Courtesy of www.revbarbysoliman.guru

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