Why do I salute our troops?
They have chosen the active involvement of fighting for freedom! I remember as a very young girl, the sirens and bombs, the riccochet of gunfire over our heads. Of my father trying to save us at home with the mattreses over us... Then I clearly remember being afraid to speak the truth, the hide what you or your parents thought or believed in from the neighbors, your friends, even some so-called family members..... I remember when due to one simple comment of my father having a gun, having the house stormed without a warrant nor even permission... They broke and took almost all... Thank heaven it was well hidden, or it could have meant his death.... Of having our mail opened, my parents kicked out if their well earned professional jobs due their opposing the government, of having our bags checked, the house inspected without warning, the having to buy on the black market to survive... And I will never forget when we were given permission to leave the country, after my fathers imprisoment in a harsh camp, when we were kicked out if our home, all of our things ransacked, and were told take three things only....then as we left on a taxi, with tears in my eyes and a great pain in my childhood heart as through the back window of the car I gave one final look to my dearest, not to ever be seeing again, home as it disappeared in the horizon, along with all the memories, friends, and all. DO I WANT THAT FOR MY NOW GROWN UP SONS, THEIR CHILDREN AND THEIR CHILDRENS CHILDREN, NO! Our troops play a pivotal role in our freedom, honor to them, their families for the bravery that goes beyond words. War, my dear friends is ugly, while those in the goverment shake hands with each other. I know, I was in a consular post in the Middle East during the first Gulf war in Irak and Kuwait. It has been through history that generals make war, but it is our children that get slaughtered. That is why I HONOR OUR TROOPS, THE HONORABLE, THE BRAVE! Namaste! Rev. Barby Soliman Please lets not allow the horrific state of socialism or communism to rule our wonderful nation, do not allow our freedom "as one nation under God" to be destroyed from within! Vote Wisely My Dear Friends, and become truly informed as to make your own discernment and decision, not that of a biased media dictating our mind! Honor to our troops, they well deserve our respect!