Godspeed Pathways to Success!

Godspeed Pathways to Success!
This very sacred, yet highly dynamic & professional space shifts your energy, validates your core essence and helps you realize your deepest dreams & convictions are possible!Intense Work With Angels, Aura/Chakra Reading, Mystic Parties, Exploring the World of Metaphysics & the Mind, Women Connected Groups, Drumming/Tuning Bowls and Chanting Empowernment ... Inspiration, motivation and shift in contextual values to fuel your subsconscious into action. It does not judge, it creates... I can give you the tools & momentum to thrive through your journey & celebrate each step of your way there. Use these teachings to inspire you to TRIUMPH! Go for it & Carpe Diem! Namaste!

Thursday, December 20, 2012



Lets send massive amounts of blessings to all in existence. We all share a common thread. if we all as one send love, light, blessings, protective shields of angelic blessings to mother earth, our planetary system, our galaxy... then return to our inner universe within, we would have activated emotions of hope, transformative vibrational patterns will shift and minimize any catasthropic projection.

We in unison should unite and gave great inner faith that we CAN MAKE A POSITIVE SHIFT FOR THE BETTER.

Lets us all at midnight tonight in each timezone to activate on a continual wave of hope, bless our mother ship and everything in it around and within in our universe and interdimensional realities.

Let us send from our heart center a huge joyful blessing of hope, love and light. Its time we take positive corrective interventions and help minimize the negative connotations transmutting them into the mighty purple flame and even prevent completely all the prophesies and convert our existence into a wonderful manifestation of our divine within.

Namaste! www.godspeed-network.com

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