Godspeed Pathways to Success!

Godspeed Pathways to Success!
This very sacred, yet highly dynamic & professional space shifts your energy, validates your core essence and helps you realize your deepest dreams & convictions are possible!Intense Work With Angels, Aura/Chakra Reading, Mystic Parties, Exploring the World of Metaphysics & the Mind, Women Connected Groups, Drumming/Tuning Bowls and Chanting Empowernment ... Inspiration, motivation and shift in contextual values to fuel your subsconscious into action. It does not judge, it creates... I can give you the tools & momentum to thrive through your journey & celebrate each step of your way there. Use these teachings to inspire you to TRIUMPH! Go for it & Carpe Diem! Namaste!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

30 Days of Growth and Empowerment

Day Two

Creating Sacred, Safe, and Comforting Space:
Give Yourself A Trigger to Help Keep You in Control

As humans, we long to have a space to call our own. It could be anywhere, private, public, could be one not even ours to claim, but in our minds. One trigger that will elevate our vibrational state and feelings to one of peace, joy, calm, and in control. Everything vibrates, we vibrate, those around us, whether human, animals, nature, even objects which we deem as inanimate. An intended trigger will make us feel as whatever that emotion is that we need at any specific moment

By instilling the ritual of actually creating a very special place for ourselves, we begin the wheel of creation in our subconscious mind thus starting to feel better, in control, and less stressed.

We can create this very unique space, even a shared one, by picking out a color or something in it that brings whatever it is that we are looking to receive back from this area. It can be peace, tranquility, happiness, safety, comfort, illumination, creativity, love, passion, or another feeling. This trigger becomes that reminding mechanism to immediately tell our subconscious mind that we are to go into the desired state. We can program ourselves by looking at this item(s) and purposely, with a directed intention that it will trigger whatever emotion we desire it to bring about. This is best achieved in a relaxed state of mind, not being interrupted, or much less conducting any activity that needs an undisturbed attention.

Different colors bring about varied emotional states:

Red brings passion, action, love

Pink brings pure love, peace, a baby girl,

Blue brings peace, tranquility, calm, protection

Green brings health, wealth, prosperity, love, also calming, and soothing feeling

Yellow brings illumination, happiness, creativity

Let’s say you want to create a safe, calming feeling during your daily rush hour traffic trip to home or to work. You choose a blue, green, or pink item and place it in front of you hanging from the mirror (as long as it does not prevent you from seeing the road clearly), you make it your deliverate focused intention to have it create an instant feeling of calm upon entering the car and your eyes perceiving that item, even if do not remember to consciously do it.
When you are in a stressful situation, look at it purposely upon stopping the car or moving vehicle (remember it is of crucial importance for you to not be taking your eyes from the road and vehicles moving or not moving around you). Allow the feeling to permeate you. This can be also achieved by utilizing sound, a soothing, yet upbeat tune played in the car, can keep you in control, calm, and not be irritated by the traffic, unwavering drivers, and those who purposely are very aggressive on the roads. This very simple mechanism works. Also, remember, that the stranger driver next to you may have an emergency, could be having some very serious issues of their own, can be so distracted that they do not see you, that their perception of the issues affecting all in the surrounding space does not have any connection to them or is related to anything that just happened at work, home, school, or otherwise.

Sacred Space a Home…

Ah, we all long to have that special room where we can relax fully, that creates an oasis of peace and loving emotional uplifting. In reality, not many people can really allocate a true area for them at their homes. So, here is where creativity comes in. Our homes are the projection and perception of who we are our dreams, goals, faith, loves, etc. If we do not have an entire room, how about creating a small area in one. Maybe the office, your bedroom, even the bathroom. I have a friend who has a wonderful chest in her garden, and one in her balcony, one drawer in the kitchen, a shelf in the bathroom, and the top of her night table. Even in her public areas she has created places on bookshelves, tables, the dining, family, living room areas where she has placed items that bring her great joy and comfort in her house. She has a variety of chimes, hanging or table ones, plants, figures that evoke protection, connection, or peace. Even her kitchen is an intended space of family, love, prosperity, health, wealth, and intended comfort via colors, taste, and sound.

Sacred Space at Work…

This is one of the places where we spend the largest amounts of time, other than sleeping in our daily lives. There is where we need it the most to be able to keep ourselves centered, in control, creative, filled with peace regardless the situations faced. If you have a private office then you can always decorate it to have intentional triggers based on issues that you deal mostly with. I have my center created intentionally to give peace, allow the persons to disengage from the outside world, give a feeling of trust, sensitivity, and a total feeling of comfort. At my hospital office, I have the walls painted purple, I have a variety of triggers on my desk that face and welcome my visitors and give them a true feeling of calm, receptive emotion. In the back, I have an extraordinary orchid, with loving figures that permeate the feeling of sisterhood. I have inspirational books, and other items that bring I and others great joy. The frames and pictures on the walls all carry motivational meanings not only to I, but to those who visit my office. I also have a drawer filled with items that give me great peace, information (my pendulums, runes, cards, motivational sayings, etc. This space you can have anywhere, even if you do not have a private office, booth, or even a seating area. I tell my friends, clients, and others to create this special space for you, even within your office supplies in a small box or crevice. You can have a pocket, or something where you can have a small purse or keeping space to keep a token, protective prayer, stone, angel or other religious item, which in need can be touched for comfort.

You can also create sacred space, assigning it to a tree, an outside space where you can see the sky clearly on a break, lunch, or moment of crisis. Look in your building, office area, store, anywhere in your work area that you can assign a trigger to. This way, you can always let it be your reminder to remain in control.

Sacred Space in General…

It is really important to create this special peaceful place for you. It can be religious, or not, it can be private or not, it can be shared or not. But it is designed by you, and you are in control of it.

I have various altars in my house, center, office, car, on me, etc. They are sacred spaces for me which help keep me in tune with my divine self, with my creative self, with all those states of mind that make one a better human being, one with understanding of nature, of all around one. For me, some are very religious oriented, some are not. You may not be able to tell which is which, but they all work for me.

The ultimate result is having a special place in which to meditate, be in real time, and connect with yourself (higher, inner, emotional, physical, and spiritual). This allows you to truly be in control of your life and all the challenges that you face daily as your teachings in this extraordinary lifetime which is really an opportunity to grow beyond limits in our journey towards enlightenment.


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