Day Three
I hold the key to my freedom, no matter the circumstance. I am the captain of my own universe. No one can make feel bad, blame me, for past mistakes, or even present hurdles that have derived from them. Usually, we get blamed for living, yes, for living. Those around us can try to belittle us, make themselves feel bigger, more powerful, get satisfaction of intentionally putting us down by pointing every little issue that we make or do different, good, bad, or not up to their standards. Many times, this behavior is a call for help from the person who is either having mayor issues themselves, not knowing how to solve those issues, needs a scapegoat in order to feel empowered, some else is doing the same behavior to them, or simply utilizes one because is the only person who they can actually do the negative behavior to without being hurt or have it bounce back at them. Ah, but the law of cause and effect does not forget…
It is within our power to stop this person or persons from making one feel inferior, bad, or less than desirable, ugly, etc. When we know we are doing the correct action, that life is full of lessons, that we do not deserve that derivative behavior, we then become FREE!
We have the ultimate choice to ALLOW what can and cannot hurt or belittle us. We have the power to stand up, and yet not be confrontational. By acting assuredly, assertively, and letting those around us know that their actions, words, emotional tantrums, opinions are respected, because it is their perceptions of the issues happening, yet they do not, cannot, and will not affect us. Things will change, when we stand tall for our beliefs, not having to insult, or respond badly to the other person(s), we simply BELIEVE DEEPLY IN OURSELVES, IN THE POWER WITHIN THAT MAKES US UNIQUE AND TRULY BEAUTIFUL!
We are allowed to make mistakes, we do not want or deliverately make them, but we learn from them and are our greatest teachers. We are not perfect, yet we can do our best. We have our OWN perception of issues and circumstances as well.
Educate yourself in how to be able to see reality around. Make it a choice to look at your entire situation from a director’s point of view. Imagine yourself at a movie theater, then place your self at the seat of the person controlling the movie. You can rewind it, play it forward, you can stop it at any given moment. See it (the movie of your life) from a detached point of view. Look and analyze each of the players, actors, their roles, how you all affect each other. From this perspective see their body language, their true reactions, how they interact with others. You are now in control, you will see what has been missing from the entire picture.
Now, you can feel empowered to make the correct decisions. See yourself, making the correct decisions. Ask for guidance from your higher self, angels, spiritual guides, the divine, other humans who have proven loyalty to you, or a professional specialist on the subject. Hire a coach, who can give you the inspiration and perceptual value to your needed goals or situation.
You have an extraordinary resource, YOUR OWN MIND! You can control how you react to issues. You can change the contextual or perceptive value of all in your life. You can choose joy, happiness, control of your live, to see beauty and the positive in all situations. A day may be cloudy, rainy, windy and with all the components to make your life miserable, YET, YOU CHOOSE TO MAKE A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE, ONE WITH PEACE, LOVE, HAPPINESS ALL AROUND YOU AND THE RAIN WILL BE REFRESHING, SOOTHING, AND MUSIC TO YOUR EARS AS IT HITS THE WINDSHIELD, WINDOW, OR STREET… THE WIND WILL CARESS YOUR FACE AND GIVE YOU A WONDERFUL LIBERATING FEELING… THE ENTIRE EXPERIENCE WILL PROVE SO WONDERFUL THAT YOU WILL REMEMBER IT FOR TIME TO COME! Now the oppositve, a perfect sunny day, but you have a bad mood, feel low, depressed, ugly, fat, not intelligent, not worth it, and I can assure you it becomes the worse thing or time for you to remember… and you will remember!
Now, you choose your thoughts, your actions, your perception, allow only good, feel that you are so unique that you can see the actual miracle that your life IS! You are open to miracles, to seeing beauty in yourself and others, you expect good things to happen, you respect others and are and demand respect as well. NOW YOU ARE BECOMING IN CHARGE, YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF WHAT HAPPENS, THE DIVINE CAN MANIFEST ITS WONDERS THROUGH YOU, BECAUSE GUESS WHAT… YOU ARE NOT BLOCKING YOUR BEST LIFE TO BE!
Rev. Barbara Soliman
PS. I invite you to find yourself and grow, empower yourself and thrive, allow greatness in your life and SUCCEED! Please visit: www.succeedwithrevbarbarasoliman.ning.com or contact me at revbarbarasoliman@gmail.com for a comprehensive listing of the coaching, classes, and so much more at Godspeed: Believe, Achieve, Enjoy, & Succeed!
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